About Us
We are a family company from Hungary.
Our company restores and imports socialist cars in perfect condition and sells them on the European and USA market. Every 25 years older hungarian people has memories with these 4 wheel wonders, because only these cars were seen on the roads of Hungary until the 2. half of the 90s. During the 60s in the most Comecon countries people was allowed to own personal cars. The only problem the lack of the vehicles was. 1 year after the start of the production in 1970,the achievements of the socialism had arrived. Less then a few years they had become "people-car" (in Germany "volkswagen"). The reason why we started this enterprise was the fact, that today these cars are already rarities, and their number is decreasing constantly. Nowadays in Hungary these cars number less than 3% on the road as it was decades ago. Ten year ago for us the possibility of a street without the Lada, Trabant, Wartburg was unimaginable. But now... some totally ruined still rolling on the roads. However, hearts give a leap by the sudden glimpse of a shiny küszöbdíszléc, egy pléhkupakos wheel, look a like original mogyoró, bordó, égszínkék, mustársárga colour on one of them. We decided to share these iconic vehicles with the world, because they deserve it! Before 1990, after the payment the owners had to wait 3 years to get the car in their hands. You have to wait maximum a few weeks to be the happy owner of such a car.
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Budapest is the capital of Hugnary
Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarország ) is a landlocked country in Central Europe. |
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About Iron Curtain
Iron curtain symbolized the ideological conflict and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. The term symbolized efforts by the Soviet Union to block itself and its dependent and central European allies off from open contact with the west and non-communist areas. On the East side of the Iron Curtain were the countries that were connected to or influenced by the former Soviet Union. On either side of the Iron Curtain, states developed their own international economic and military alliances. The cars from that side.
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The red part was the communist area. |
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About Hungary
Hungary was one of the countries that were parts of the Eastern Bloc. We had the most type and number of socialist cars. Even today, here are persons who have them in daily use. If you would like to know more about Hungary, click on this link. But here are some interesting hungarian inventions: Thermographic camera (1929) , Plasma television (1936), Rubiks Cube, ballpoint pen, modern transformer, ...etc.
more information about Hungary
Hungary an other viewpoint (link later)
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Rubiks Cube |
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